What exactly is a poker run? A poker run is an unorganized event where participants, typically utilizing large vehicles, motorcycles, bicycles, skis, snowboards, horses, or any other means of transport, are forced to go to five to seven poker tables, drawing a card at each one. The objective is toContinue Reading

If you’re interested in what is a poker run, you’re likely either just starting your poker career or you’ve been playing poker for some time and want to come up with ways to improve your game. A run isn’t necessarily a big tournament, but it’s often considered as such. InContinue Reading

One of the hottest games on the Internet is the variation of “How to Play Three Card Poker.” It is simple enough for anyone to pick up and can be very rewarding for players who know how to play. Three Card Poker is an inexpensive, slow-paced table sport that’s easyContinue Reading

What is a straddle in poker? For those of you who are new to the game, it is a situation where the player has both raised and re-raised their hand, and the other person has called with a raised hand. The caller is betting the same amount that he hadContinue Reading

When we talk about what is a rake in poker it is important to understand that this term is not used as a legal guideline in every jurisdiction or by every cardroom. The reason for this is that a rake is primarily an economic term used by cardrooms to helpContinue Reading

The best way to describe Slots is to say that it is an original machine created by casino experts that are called “slots Experts”. A slot machine, also called the fruit machine, slots, pokers, hot spots or fruit machines, is a machine designed for its users to spin the reelsContinue Reading

Slot machines, also called the video slot machines, slots, pugs, the fruit machines, slots or fruit machines, is a type of gambling machine which produces a game of luck for its users. When the reels are spinning, it looks like the jackpot is going to be big and individuals playingContinue Reading