How to choose a good mail slot for your front door

A mail slot is a small door that is usually located on the front of a house or a business. It is used for delivering mail to the residence or business. Mail slots are either manual or automatic.

The mail slots are usually made of glass, metal, wood, or plastic. Some of the mail slots are automatic and some are manual. The mail slots are usually located on the side of the house or business. They are mostly used by the postman to deliver the mail. There are different types of mail slots available in the market. Here are the top 5 mail slots that are available in the market:

1. Glass mail slots:

Glass mail slots are the most common mail slots that are used in the market. They are also the most expensive. It is because the glass mail slots are made of high quality glass material.

2. Metal mail slots:

Metal mail slots are another type of mail slots that are used in the market. They are also called as the ‘mailboxes’. They are very popular among the homeowners.

3. Wood mail slots:

Wood mail slots are the third most common mail slots that are used in the market. They are the most popular mail slots that are used in the homes.

4. Plastic mail slots:

Plastic mail slots are the fourth most common mail slots that are used in the market. They are also called as the ‘mail boxes’. These mail slots are also very affordable.

5. Electronic mail slots:

Electronic mail slots are the fifth most common mail slots that are used in the market. They are also known as the ‘automatic mail slots’.


I hope you like this post and you will surely use the above mail slots for your mail delivery.